Bloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program

This is an 8 week somatic deep dive with the help and support of medicinal microdoses. 

Plant medicine opens the neuroplasticity in the brain. It activates the ability for your brain to literally rewire. A microdose allows us to implement medicine work into our day to day lives in a way that’s easy to integrate and work with. The medicine helps us to create new beliefs, heal old ones, think new thoughts and tap into our unlimited well of creativity.

We’ll be pairing the microdose with somatic exercises, energetic practices, breathwork, embodiment, and live coaching.

Get LIVE coaching through 8 transformational 90-minute microdosing sessions!

Session Times:
8/08 @4PM
8/15 @4PM
8/22 @4PM
8/29 @4PM
9/05 @4PM
9/12 @4PM
9/19 @4PM 

*Replays will be available after each call

**Microdoses are included in the price

Contact information

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I agree that this payment or payment plan is non-refundable.
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Special one-time offer!

1:1 Coaching Call with Stevie for $750(40% OFF!)

Regular price: $1250 (a savings of $500)!

For those who seek deep excavation of

your own personal material.  

This 1:1 coaching call with Stevie will give you personalized support for anything beckoning you to move deeper.  

…Anything tender that needs more intimate holding, allowing you to fully surrender to the possibility of transformation.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Paid In Full ($1250)$1250.00
  • Preferred option
    2-Payment Plan (2 x $625)2x $625.00
  • Preferred option
    3-Payment Plan (3 x $467.67)2x $416.67/mo
  • Preferred option
    4-Payment Plan (4 x $312.50)4x $312.50

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Bloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program$0

All prices in USD
